Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Pass The Saltines On The Left-Hand Side

Today is my Dad's birthday and I believe that it was the first one that I've missed since...well forever. My Dad and I have a pretty cool relationship because I was his first baby; I say that because my older sister, Alex, was a child when he married my mom but when I was adopted I was the first baby he had to take care of.
It's selfish but I really dig that idea because I'm never the oldest, I'm either the middle or the youngest so I'm never "the first". Therefore, on his birthday today I would like him to know that he did a pretty good job on his first baby. I'm not in jail, I'm in school, and I'm alive, right! If that is not success then I don't know what is!
Besides that my day was pretty normal. Classes, lunch with friends, studying, and preparing for another six weeks of winter. (or so we think, I've never really payed attention to the groundhog)I've been setting goals up for myself to change and have been trying hard to act upon them throughout my day. Change is necessary and progress cannot be made if I'm static and stubborn in my ways.
Hopefully I can keep up with my undulating persona without getting nauseous.

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